California Legislative Action to Expand Abortion


Did you know that abortion providers, advocates, and pro-abortion legislators have created a comprehensive plan to turn California into an abortion sanctuary state for the entire country? Governor Gavin Newsom put together the California Future of Abortion Council in an effort to make this a reality. Below is a summary of the agenda and a breakdown of their plan with links to pertinent legislation.

Here is a summary of their proposal.

  • To pay for 1.4 million abortions for non-state residents (page5)

  • To pay for associated costs surrounding abortion (page 6).

  • To make abortions free to everyone (page 7).

  • To make late-term abortion easier (page 10).

  • To pressure faith-based hospitals into the abortion business (page 10)

  • To legally protect do-it-yourself abortionists (page 11).

  • To eliminate consequences for illicit drug use during pregnancy (page11).

  • To ensure insurance companies hide abortions of minors from parents (page 11).

  • To target pro-life pregnancy centers for persecution (page 11).

  • To gather student information about sex lives and beliefs through CA Health Kids Survey (page12)

Their Progress on their Checklist


Update: AB 2586 has added sections 140 & 141 - requires reproductive and sexual health education be both medically accurate “culturally congruent”. It also states “Additionally, misinformation and disinformation about abortion and reproductive health care in general, particularly at the hands of so-called crisis pregnancy centers or fake clinics, impose a harmful barrier to reproductive health care access, especially for communities most impacted by a number of other obstacles to care.”

Propaganda maligning the intent and quality of care received at pregnancy centers is being used to defame, and potentially criminalize, the offering of support to parents-to-be seeking these services.






Source: Birth Choice Centers do not support the efforts to expand abortion services within our state but wish to accurately reflect the desires of our state government in their pursuit of this goal. For this reason, descriptions of the goals set have not been edited, nor has any evaluation of these actions been included. To read the bills in their entirety, click on the checklist ink above and locate the bill on the list.