Babies require a lot of stuff

One of the most common reason people choose abortion is because they don’t think they can provide for their child. You can eliminate this obstacle by providing the supplies they need.

All free-standing Birth Choice Centers contain a “Baby Shop” filled with essential items to care for a newborn baby. Moms will participate in the Earn While You Learn program and earn point to spend in these shops while she is growing in her parenting skills. Emergency aid is also available monthly to those in need.

There are several ways you can support the Baby Shops.

  • Host a Baby Shower: Your church, small group, friends, etc. can host a baby shower where unwrapped baby items are donated. It can be as easy as a drop-off drive or as elaborate as a full scale baby shower with cake and games. It’s your choice. Birth Choice can even provide a guest speaker (if available) and will provide templates for digital and bulletin promotion.

  • Host a Diaper/Wipes Drive: A new mom goes through a lot of diapers! Also, when members of our community find themselves on tough times, diapers are often the item they desperately need. Set out a collection box and ask your church to bring a pack in on a specified Sunday.

  • Shop Amazon Smile: Birth Choice maintains Amazon wish lists for both our Temecula/Hemet & Palm Desert locations. Simply choose an item or two and have them shipped directly to Birth Choice.

  • Host a Layette Party: Many of our mom’s pregnancies will not be celebrated by family and friends so we do our best to fill the gap. Every new mom is given a gift bag filled with new baby items she will need. You can have small groups collect the items included in a layette and put them together in a gift bag or basket for a new mom. Layette items include:

    • 4 receiving blankets

    • 1 crib sheet

    • 4-6 Onesies2-4 gowns/sleepers

    • 2 pairs of socks and booties

    • 3-4 bibs

    • 4 cotton/knit hats

    • 1 towel & 4 wash cloths

    • 4 burb clothes

    • 1 pacifier

    • 1 bottle

    • 1 of each toiletry item: shampoo, lotion, diaper cream

    • teething toys